Bridget Jones’s Diary is a 2001 romantic comedy drama film directed by Sharon Maguire and starring Renee Zellweger, Colin Firth and Hugh Grant. Language(5/5): The film’s language is the main issue, with 34 uses of “f**k”, 11 uses of “G**”, 7 uses of “t*ts”, 6 uses of “s**t” and “a**”, 5 uses of “J*s*s”, “Chr**t”, “bo**ocks” and “bloody”, 4 uses of “sod” and “bugger”, 3 uses of “piss”, “bastard” and “hell”, 2 uses of “w**ker”, and 1 use of “g****mn”, “pr**k”, “ar*e” and “damn”. A man calls his manicurist a “ham-fisted c**t”. The homophobic slur “p**f” is used twice. The film has 110 total curses. Sex, Romance and Nudity(3/5): Some verbal sexual references and overt flirting occur, as Bridget frequently talks about sex. Bridget takes a bath once and covers her breasts with a book. Bridget’s butt is groped twice by men who don’t ask for consent. A man mentions a “blowjob”. Men and women are briefly shown in their underwear. Men are called “perverts”. Drinking, Drugs and Smoking(4/5): Excessive cigarette smoking is shown throughout. Characters drink alcohol frequently, sometimes to drunkenness. Violence(1/5): Bridget is sexually harassed twice. A man punches another man in the face, which causes them to get into a fistfight. Positive Messages(2/5): Characters are flawed but show kindness and romantic honesty to each other and they do care for each other. Positive Role Models and Representations(2/5): Bridget is an iffy role model, but she does display admirable independence. Watching Experience: The use of the C-word was surprising to me. Quality(opinionated): (My rating) Rated R For strong language including brief use of slurs and some sexual references.